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Asia here is only referred to Southern Asia and the rest of Western (Middle East) and Central Asia. I have separated SouthEast Asia and East Asia with different links here.

many of the banknotes posted here do not need descriptions. the designs are beautiful enough for me to add any more details - a picture is worth a thousand words

"no borrowed scans here nor i cut and pasted from other web sites. all notes displaying here are mine"

..Turkmenistan - 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 & 100 Manat 25th Anniversary of Country's Neutrality Commemorative

Republic of Turkmenistan
Türkmenistanyň Merkezi Banky
(Central Bank of Turkmenistan)
 Currency - Manat (TMT)
This is a full set of six commemorative notes reportedly issued on 12.12.2020. These notes were issued to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Day of Neutrality, first adopted via a United Nation Assemble Resolution 50/08 on 12.12.1995. Turkmenistan has also adopted this day to express the country's neutrality in the Central Asia region. Technically there are about 19 countries that are considered to be neutral. These countries are - Austria, Costa Rica, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Liechtenstein, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Moldova, Panama, Rwanda, Serbia, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Vatican City. Honestly, in my opinion, some of these countries should not be considered as a neutral nation.

The designs on these notes are basically the same as those first issued in 2009, but modified to include the commemorative logo for this issue. 
On the front of the notes are printed with a portrait of a famous Turkmen, the State Emblem and the map of Turkmenistan. On the back it depicts a building/monument. All notes are also printed with the Turkmen text of - XXI ASYR - TURKMENIN ALTYN ASYRY, literary means THE XXI CENTURY - THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE TURKMEN. Previous issues are also printed with the same text on the back of the notes too. 
This set of notes are all dated 2020.
The currency of Turkmenistan is called Manat. It was first introduced in 1993 soon after gaining independent of the Soviet Union. A manat is subdivided into 100 tenge. The name manat derived from the Persian word, 'munat' or the Russian word 'mohema', which literally means coin. Apart from Turkmenistan, the currency of Azerbaijan is also called manat. 

Chairman - Merdan Annadurddiyev (Annadurdiyev), appointed since January 2015.
1 Manat - 120mm x 60mm
5 Manat - 127mm x 63mm
10 Manat - 133mm x 66mm
20 Manat - 139mm x 69mm
50 Manat - 144.5mm x 72mm
100 Manat - 151mm x 75mm

One Manat
Dated 2020, Togrul Beg Turkmen (b.990-1063), Emblem, Map
Turkmenbasy Halkara Deniz Porty (International Seaport at the Caspian Sea), Turkmen Alem 52०E (satellite)

Five Manat
Dated 2020, Soltan Sanjar Turkmen (b.1086-1157), Emblem, Map
Bitaraplyk Binasy
Ten Manat
Dated 2020, Magtymguly Pyragy, Emblem, Map
Turkmenistanyu Merkezi Banky (Central Bank building)
Twenty Manat
Dated 2020, Gorgoly Beg Turkmen (heroic legend), Emblem, Map
Ruhyyet Kosgi (Palace for Official events, Government functions, International meetings)
Fifty Manat
Dated 2020, Gorkut Ata Turkmen. Emblem, Map
Konstitusiya Binasy (Constitution Monument)
One Hundred Manat
Dated 2020, Oguz Han Turkmen, Emblem, Map
Oguzhan Koskler Toplumy

In one of the reports, it has been said that the symbol of the year "Turkmenistan - the homeland of Neutrality" depicted on the reverse side of the new banknotes was made using rainbow printing. Honestly, I have no idea what was this about nor I can see this on the back of the notes. 
All banknotes of the Central Bank of Turkmenistan series of 2009, 2012, 2014 and 2017 continue to be legal in the country.
We do not get much news about Turkmenistan in my part of the world. However, after doing simple research on the Internet, it is interesting to find out that getting a visa to visit this country is not an easy task. Turkmenistan is not a rich country but rich in natural gas. They have so much reserve that the government provided free gas and electricity to the people of just over 6+ million from 1993 to 2017. As the gas and electricity were free, many people would just leave the heaters on 24 hours, especially when it is cold. The streets in Turkmenistan are very quiet, very similar to North Korea. Whilst North Korea is a poor country with very little natural resources, I am not sure why the people in Turkmenistan are not venturing out more often? It is also reported that the country is know for it autocratic government? Turkmenistan gained independent in 1991 from the Soviet Union, and ruled by Saparmurat Niyazor (President for life). He was the President from 1990 to until his death in 2006.

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